BWG News

BWG Foods Launches Team SPAR Training Programme for SPAR Great Ireland Run

With less than four weeks left to go until the SPAR Great Ireland Run on April 11th, Team SPAR are getting ready to sprint into action with the launch of the BWG Foods Head Office Training Programme which took place on 13th March in the Ivy Café.

Continuing on from the success of ‘Operation Transformation’ in the BWG Foods Head Office, we have now set our sights on the SPAR Great Ireland Run and beyond which is part of BWG Foods’ commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Special guests in attendance at the launch were;

Maria McCambridge – Dublin City Marathon (Ladies) Winner 2013 and 2nd in 2014. Maria has represented Ireland at the highest levels over the last two decades, including the European and World Championships as well as competing at the Olympics in Athens in 2004. Maria has competed at all distances from 3,000m to marathons and beyond.

Gary Crossan – Base 2 Race – Irish National Marathon Champion for four consecutive years. He was top Irish finisher at the Dublin Marathon from 2002 to 2005 clocking up times in the region of 2:20:16.  Gary has also been Irish National Half-Marathon Champion. He won the Newry Marathon in 2008, in 2011 he won Gael Force North challenge, as well as winning his first Ultra Marathon (39.3m’s or 63Km’s) in Connemara finishing nearly six minutes ahead of the second place man.

Kevin Doyle – Manager of Westpark Fitness – and his team who popped in to offer support and assistance to ensure we all achieve the main goal in crossing the finish line on April 11th.

Team SPAR will have a staff team of 70 strong participating in the upcoming SPAR Great Ireland Run who have their sights set on the finish line. For registration details, please log on to

BWG Foods (owners and operators of the SPAR Brand in Ireland) would like to thank our special guests and everyone who attended the event, and would also like to wish Maria the very best of luck in her quest for Rio 2016.

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